After last week’s dirge, Deadwood closes out Season 2 with the fantastic “Boy the Earth Talks To.” Director Ed Bianchi is back and it’s immediately apparent. His clever use of depth of field and of framing immediately permeate event he more mundane scenes. Tonally the show also strikes a contrast with its predecessor, trading day for night but a funeral for a wedding. The episode also closes out Wolcott’s (Garret Dillahunt) storyline in dramatic (but restrained) fashion while giving us a better idea of why Andy Cramed (Zach Grenier) is in town.
J and I explore the arrival of George Hearst (Gerald McRaney), the manifestation of big money greed and labor abuse who has haunted the camp from afar for most of the season. His mystique is undercut by McRaney’s understated performance. This isn’t a man of bluster; his first moments in Deadwood are devoid of pomp and circumstance. Instead he perpetuates a personal myth of naïveté and “luck” to explain his good fortune. Upon hearing about Wolcott’s crimes, Hearst acts as if he’s surprised that anyone would act in such a way on his behalf.
J and I doubt his sincerity, to say the least.
Meanwhile, Alma (Molly Parker) and Ellsworth (Jim Beaver) finally tie the knot in parallel with Jarry (Stephen Tobolowsky), Bullock (Timothy Olyphant) and Al (Ian McShane) as they incorporate Deadwood as a part of the Dakota territories. Amid these unions, Hearst breaks down his hotel wall, a symbolic moment suggesting his presence will neither be short nor peaceful. What Deadwood’s new status will mean for the camp and whether Alma’s marriage will put to rest her love for Seth remains to be seen.
It’s been an honor discussing Deadwood with J and with all of you listeners. We’ll be back shortly with Season 3 of the show and, of course, the movie — but first, we’ve got some Game of Thrones to watch!
In the meantime, kick back and enjoy some canned peaches. Don’t worry, they’re free gratis.
~ Søren
Hoopleheads will return later this year following the conclusion of Stark Contrast, our Game of Thrones podcast. When we hit the thoroughfare again, we’ll be covering Season 3 of Deadwood followed by the Deadwood movie.
This podcast uses a clip from the song “Western” by Dave Depper / CC BY 3.0.