Søren Hough
moviefailreviews@gmail.comSøren Hough is the editor-in-chief at Movie Fail. He has been podcasting since 2009 and writing film reviews since 2010. For the fall of 2012, he worked at Amherst Cinema as a volunteer educator in the See • Hear • Feel • Film program. That initiative channels the power of film as a medium to promote literacy and encourage collaborative storytelling in third grade students.
He also served as the assistant arts editor for film and television at The Massachusetts Daily Collegian. He has contributed to RogerEbert.com and ScottFeinberg.com, as well as to multiple academic publications in areas including bioethics, media representation, American history, and cancer biology. His writing portfolio can be found on his personal website.
In his spare time, he works as the Editor of Tides Global covering the latest discoveries in drug discovery. You met him at a very strange time in his life.
Søren is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst where he studied Film and Microbiology. He completed his PhD in DNA repair at the University of Cambridge.

Søren HoughEditor-in-Chief

Tim Nicholson
Timothy co-founded Movie Fail with Søren in 2009 back when it was just an after school podcast. When he’s not busy watching movies, you can find him biking around Hartford, running through the streets of DC in his yellow Pumas, or re-outlining the novel he’s been procrastinating on for the last 3 years. His friends think him a hipster, but he refuses to identify as such.
Tim is a graduate of American University where he earned degrees in International Relations and Economics.

Tim NicholsonCo-Founder

Esther Rosenfield
Contributing Editor
Esther writes reviews and other features for Movie Fail. She has been writing reviews and essays about film since 2010, most recently on her Medium blog since 2010. When she’s not watching movies, she’s listening to film-related podcasts and procrastinating on her studies.

Esther RosenfieldContributing Editor

Nathan Frontiero
Contributing Editor
Nathan writes and edits reviews and other articles for Movie Fail. He was the Arts & Living Editor at The Massachusetts Daily Collegian, where he previously served as Assistant Arts Editor for Film and Television. His work has appeared in Take Magazine, Slant Magazine, and elsewhere.
Nathan graduated from the University of Massachusetts with a certificate in film studies and a bachelor’s degree in English and creative writing.

Nathan FrontieroContributing Editor

Hailey Duran
Staff Writer
Hailey is a staff writer for Movie Fail. As a student, she co-produced a film review show entitled Appropriate Audiences. She also contributes to The Patch CT. Hailey has come back to her hometown and is ready to take on the things she loves most: good movies, bad TV and homegrown food.
Hailey is a graduate of Rider University with a degree in Digital Media and Cinema Studies.

Hailey DuranStaff Writer

Shrinkhala Dawadi
Staff Writer
Shrinkhala has written and edited News and Sci Tech for the McGill Tribune, as well as freelanced for the Montreal Gazette. A relative newcomer to the art of movie reviewing, Shrinkhala hopes to expand her writing repertoire through cultural criticism. You can follow her on Twitter @chambraymage.
Shrinkhala is a Masters student studying Psychiatry at McGill University in Montreal, where she also completed her undergraduate degree.

Shrinkhala DawadiStaff Writer

Jonny Smith
Foreign Correspondent
Jonny has just started writing reviews for Movie Fail all the way from England. Through a foreign exchange program, he worked as assistant arts editor for film and television at The Massachusetts Daily Collegian. He regularly blogs on his site, The Latest Picture Show, and is hoping to a forge a career in film, music and pop culture journalism.
Jonny studied Film at the University of Massachusetts and International Hotel Management at the University of Manchester.

Jonny SmithForeign Correspondent

Thibault Jalby
Foreign Correspondent
Thibault – pronounced “Teebo” – is Movie Fail’s French connection. In the past, he has contributed box office analysis to a famous French forum. He writes film and television reviews from Lyon, the city where the Lumière brothers created the very first films over a century ago.
Thibault is studying Architecture at École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Saint-Étienne.