Having left Republic City, The Legend of Korra has seized an opportunity to flesh out its characters, its world, and its story. The world of Avatar has always been predicated on its unique bending systems and the cultural evolution thereof. The show has built on this by taking daring and paradigm-shifting new turns in the latest season, not the least of which is the addition of a major villain threat and the reappearance of a lost civilization.
J and I talk about “In Harm’s Way” and “The Metal Clan” in this week’s episode of Ember Island Airwaves. Our discussion covers broader issues about the pacing of this and previous books in Korra, as well as specific topics like Toph’s fate and the problematic way Bolin has developed as a character. We also delve into Zaheer and his gang and how their group dynamic reflects that of the protagonists.
~ Søren
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So what do you think about how Korra has responded to the Red Lotus? Do you have any issues with the way Bolin has been handled? Are you anxious to see Korra and her crew finally face off against Zaheer? Let us know in the comments below!
This podcast uses clips from the songs Nanyang Journey and Erhu by Ivan Chew / CC BY 3.0.