This week’s episode of The Legend of Korra puts the focus on Prince Wu, the heir apparent to the throne of the Earth Kingdom. As leaders of the four nations gather to watch Kuvira relinquish power, Korra trains with Toph in the swamp. Things quickly go awry as Kuvira – perhaps unsurprisingly – doesn’t play by the rules. And Korra, who believes she’s found some salvation in Toph, may need to look inward before seeking guidance from anyone else.
In this special extended episode of Ember Island Airwaves, J and I discuss whether or not Wu makes for a sympathetic character. We also examine how Mako and Bolin’s relationship has evolved through the series from petty romantic squabble to fundamental ideological conflict. From there, our discussion covers Kuvira’s pragmatic, straightforward approach to governance and political campaigning as well as her possible abuse of spirit power for technological gain.
And as a courtesy to our listeners, we must warn you: please beware of puns. This podcast was particularly saturated. We apologize.
~ Søren
Note that this podcast contains spoilers up through “The Coronation.” As always, you can subscribe to Ember Island Airwaves using iTunes. Alternatively, you can check out the episode online or download it here. Happy listening!
What do you think? Have the reveals in this episode added more to the infamous Suyin conspiracy theory? Do you think we’re going to hear from Wan or any of the other Avatars again before the season finale?
Let us know in the comments, and be sure to tune in next week as we talk about the upcoming episode, “The Calling.”
This podcast uses clips from the songs Nanyang Journey and Erhu by Ivan Chew / CC BY 3.0.