The thing about liquid is that it always takes the form of its container. Thin, round, tall, squat – it doesn’t matter. The same could be said of Hardy. In Locke, he affects a peculiar, nasally UK accent and gruff persona. As a spy in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, he is a sharp, twitchy stud whose emotions rule his behavior. […]
J and Søren Discuss True Detective
True Detective has been something of a phenomenon. Featuring top-notch acting and intense character-driven mysteries, the show quickly gained a following and has seen record high ratings and critical acclaim over the course of its first season. On Sunday March 9, 2014, the tales of Rust Cohle (Matthew Mcconaughey) and Marty Hart (Woody Harrelson) came to an […]
Let the Right One In Is Not Your Typical Horror Movie
Quiet and meditative. Romantic, stark and beautiful. Poignant. These are not the words one usually associates with the horror genre. And yet, the ostensibly horror-themed Låt den rätte komma in, or Let the Right One In, has been praised by the world over using these very descriptors. The film follows Oskar, a 12-year-old boy who […]
The Problem with Tomas Alfredson
I would be the first to call Tomas Alfredson a perfect director; someone who hits every possible emotional note in his films, whose impeccable timing offers the viewer a spectacular sense of pace and mood. So why, then, are reviews for his films still fairly mixed? Why, with a film as sound as Tinker Tailor […]