Please note that you can find all episodes of “Stark Contrast,” our Game of Thrones podcast, both at Movie Fail and on iTunes, Google Play and Spotify.
In our previous podcast, J and I discussed the first three seasons of the massively popular HBO series Game of Thrones. This week, we dive into “Two Swords,” the jam-packed Season 4 premiere. Please be aware that this podcast includes spoilers for the show up through Season 4 Episode 1. Happy listening!
~ Søren
You can listen to the podcast online or by downloading it here.
Please feel free to leave your thoughts on Season 4 so far in the comments below. And be sure to tune in next Saturday for our recap and review of Episode 2: “The Lion and the Rose.”
This podcast uses clips from the song “Movie Star * (The Making Of X)” by Loveshadow / CC BY-NC 3.0.